k04a Опубликовано 9 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 9 июля, 2009 Кстати... тревожные новости от Джейсона Квика... Согласно ему, там какие-то трения и разногласия в переговорах о продлении контрактов ЛМА и Роя... По ЛМА я еще могу понять, но по Рою само наличие ПЕРЕГОВОРОВ это по меньшей мере странно....Полностью согласен с автором, что Рой должен был получить любой какой он захочет контракт в первую же минуту 8 июля, как только это стало возможным...If there was ever a no-brainer in extensions, it's that of Roy. You give him the maximum contract allowed. No hesitation. No questions asked. No nothing, other than showing him the courtesy of signing him the minute the signing moratorium ended Tuesday night.Странные, странные вещи творятся этим летом в Портленде... Если уж настолько все плохо, не знаю, что там тогда вообще творится в голове у Притчарда.... Есть от чего прийти в отчаяние... 0 Цитата
SINATRA Опубликовано 9 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 9 июля, 2009 Кстати... тревожные новости от Джейсона Квика... Согласно ему, там какие-то трения и разногласия в переговорах о продлении контрактов ЛМА и Роя... По ЛМА я еще могу понять, но по Рою само наличие ПЕРЕГОВОРОВ это по меньшей мере странно....Уау, уже и переговоры - плохо. Хотя тяжкие воспоминания о контракте того же Стадемайра говорят наоборот.Классный слух с испн (тут должен быть знак качества, в виде лица Руди Хернандеса) - Хайнрих взамен за трейд эксзепшн. Ничего, т.е. 0 Цитата
Trail_Blazer Опубликовано 9 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 9 июля, 2009 Не совсем. Хайнрих в Чикаго, Томас в Юту, Бузер в Чикаго. Но пока это только на стадии переговоров. Коча, готовь шампанское =))Упс, сорри, не совсем понял о чем ты. My mistake) 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Какое там шампанское )))))))))))) Пивище уже в холодильнике, ждет ))))Дело за малым.... Bring him to us!!! :yahoo: :basketball: :drinks: :friends: 0 Цитата
SINATRA Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Выложили около 32-36 миллионов на 4 года (вах ) за Милсапа. Шантажировать собрались, наверное. 0 Цитата
nickgreen Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Заматчит Юта, 100%. Видимо да- так Притчард просто решил подтолкнуть их к обмену Бузера в Буллс. 0 Цитата
SINATRA Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 10 июля, 2009 Заматчит Юта, 100%.Цена счастью - 18 миллионов. Плюс большие подъемные. Так что еще не факт, что команда из маленького рынка будет согласны выкладывать такие деньги. 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 12 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 12 июля, 2009 По слухам о той самой трехсторонке с Чикаго и Ютой, Чикаго не захотели расставаться и с Томасом и с Кирком за одного Буза. Либо Тима Томаса в Юту, вместо Тайруса, либо от Портленда Бейлесса... Если это правда, то я расстроен. Я конечно знаю о пристрастии Притчарда к Рексу, но если этот отказ в конечном счете будет стоить Кирка... если договориться так и не удастся.... я буду очень огорчен. 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 13 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 13 июля, 2009 Ну что, сегодня дебютируем в летней лиге. Против Торонто. Интересно, как там Джерид справится с функцией разыгрывающего, а не скорера. В последнем своем интервью он говорил, что весь сезон наблюдал и учился. Упомянул даже Чонса, в качестве примера, которому хотел бы подражать. ПГ, который пришел в лигу как скорер, но который сумел найти великолепный баланс между скорингом и розыгрышем. Ну-ну, давай Бейлесс.. поглядим на тебя... Интересен так же Пендерграф. По видео с практики он мне понравился... Сочувствую Милсу (Маилсу? не уверен, как правильно)... поломаться даже не сыграв еще ни одного матча... Прям как Грег.... Что они там такое делают с новичками на этих практиках? )))))) 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 14 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 14 июля, 2009 Мдя... не знаю, чего руководство так цепляется за этого Бейлесса. Хоть убей не пойму... Несмотря на отзывы о сегодняшнем матче, что мол тренерскому составу понравилось (ну мол и хорошего и плохого хвататет, но хорошего больше), я совсем не разделяю их радости.Одно дело в летней лиге пользоваться своей взрывной скоростью, атлетизмом и на скорости набирать очки. Другое дело - играть в НБА. 4 фола за первую половину, некоторые из которых были touch fouls. Следовательно, не очень хорошо успевает на ногах, придерживает руками.. И это в Летней Лиге, повторю. 6 потерь тоже не радуют...Хотелось бы посмотреть какие-то фрагменты матча....Вот тот же Граф по-моему куда более полезен и перспективен. К сожалению, его поставили играть 5-м, где ему немного тяжело. Но 4-го думаю даже в НБА он неплохо будет играть. Так что если Юта заматчит, за позицию бэкап-ПФ я спокоен. Джефф крупный, активный на щитах игрок. Довольствуется малым, может набирать свои очки подчищая чужие промахи.. то что нужно..Канингему явно не хватит мощи играть 4-го. Да и с его бросочком средним ему лучше играть 3-го. Но успеет ли в защите за 3-ми? Это вопрос. Но Нейту понравилось. Сказал, что если он будет продожать попадать эти 18-футеры, он должен будет найти себя в НБА. 0 Цитата
SINATRA Опубликовано 15 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 15 июля, 2009 Следовательно, не очень хорошо успевает на ногах, придерживает руками.. И это в Летней Лиге, повторю.гарды из длиги, как правило, не менее быстры, чем гарды в нба. 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 Очередное невнятное выступление моего "любимца".... Пух и тот лучше сыграл )) (судя по статам)Зато судя по хайлайтам игры, у нас появился еще один бросающий большой.. Привет ЛМА, Фрай... КП их коллекционирует что ли? ))) 0 Цитата
Trail_Blazer Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 По слухам Юта таки будет матчить Миллсапа, но в самый последний момент. Дескать, стратегией Портлэнда было ухудшить положение конкурента. Даже такой вариант не особо меня расстраивает. Если Мемфис может назло Блейзерам подписывать Майлза, то почему нам не играть в таком же наглом стиле? В любом случае пока лето не особо радует. Может быть действительно есть смысл ждать февраля и дедлайна, чтоб кого-нибудь выхватить. Другое дело, что в таком случае придется делать трейд, иначе Притчарда тогда уж точно съедят живым. 0 Цитата
D-Troit Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 Привет ЛМА, ФрайФрай же в Финиксе помойму? 0 Цитата
SINATRA Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 16 июля, 2009 Фрай же в Финиксе помойму?Здесь не то имелось в виду.А вот что. Просветитель дел фентезийных хоча хочет взять кого-то из руководства Портленда за жабры и узнать, почему у блейзерс на ПФ одни мягкие шутеры.----------------------------------------------В любом случае пока лето не особо радует. Может быть действительно есть смысл ждать февраля и дедлайна, чтоб кого-нибудь выхватить. Другое дело, что в таком случае придется делать трейд, иначе Притчарда тогда уж точно съедят живым.А я есть не буду. И не только потому что я не каннибал, а Притчард не вкусный.Разве что если он летом 2010 какого-нибудь Д. прохлопает.Мдя... не знаю, чего руководство так цепляется за этого Бейлесса. Хоть убей не пойму... Несмотря на отзывы о сегодняшнем матче, что мол тренерскому составу понравилось (ну мол и хорошего и плохого хвататет, но хорошего больше), я совсем не разделяю их радости.На Хайнриха эту бестолочь, да?Вот только Кирк едва ли будет дифференс мейкером в требуемой степени. Его одного вряд ли будет достаточно для борьбы за светлое и вожделенное (учитывая, какие деньги вкладывал и готов вкладывать Аллен, то иные цели вряд ли ставятся).Но это не значит, что КП вообще не хочет усиливать команду. Если появится выгодный вариант с разменом не неприкасаемого игрока, то наверняка его примут. Похоже на ситуацию, в которой был Купчак года с два назад (когда тот ни в какую не соглашался менять Байнума) - "Митч, меняй" "Меняй!!!" "Да меняй же ты, ..." "Митч - ..." А в итоге.... 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Да, по Фраю имел ввиду именно это. Спасибо, коллега. На Хайнриха эту бестолочь, да?Вот только Кирк едва ли будет дифференс мейкером в требуемой степени. Его одного вряд ли будет достаточно для борьбы за светлое и вожделенное (учитывая, какие деньги вкладывал и готов вкладывать Аллен, то иные цели вряд ли ставятся). Но это не значит, что КП вообще не хочет усиливать команду. Если появится выгодный вариант с разменом не неприкасаемого игрока, то наверняка его примут. Похоже на ситуацию, в которой был Купчак года с два назад (когда тот ни в какую не соглашался менять Байнума) - "Митч, меняй" "Меняй!!!" "Да меняй же ты, ..." "Митч - ..." А в итоге.... Да, на Хайнрика. Обменять игрока, не попадающего в ротацию, на стартера, это уже хорошо. Даже если это не приведет нас к титулу. Но по крайней мере мы будет туда гораздо ближе, чем сейчас. С Блейком и Джеридом. И еще, пристрелите кто-нибудь Канзано... Или хотя бы заткните ему рот. То паника из-за Роя, теперь еще у него гений ГМ-а проснулся.. Ламара ему :censored: подавайте! :diablo: Притчард, если ты меня слышишь, держи этих двух (Канзано и Одома :bash: :chair: ) подальше от команды, я тебя прошу! :nono: 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Скаут Блейзеров Chad Buchanan поделился своими впечатлениями о наших самер-лиговцах Данте Каннингеме, Джеффе Пендерграфе и Джериде Бейлессе.Данте КаннингемQ: Last night Dante showed more with his dribble than he did in the first game. Is that a part of his game that was surprising to you? I think his strength right now offensively is his face up shooting. He did a couple of things off the dribble yesterday. He had a great baseline move he didn't finish late in the game. He's always been a niche guy at Villanova where they told him exactly what they wanted from him and he did exactly that. He never really got out of his comfort zone. Putting the ball on the deck was not really something they asked him to do a lot. It's something he has in his game that he's going to have to add because teams will figure out that he can shoot it. They will get up and crowd him a little bit and he's going to have to do something off the dribble. And I think he will because he will do whatever you ask him to do. He's very coachable. He's had great coaching with Jay Wright with 4 years at Villanova. Played against great teams and great coaches. He's smart enough to figure out what he's going to need to do. His strength is going to be shooting the ball offensively. He's going to get you some extra possessions going after boards. I think putting it on the deck isn't necessarily a strength to his game right now. He did a little last night.Q: Do you think he's the kind of guy you might use in pick and rolls more or is he going to be a weakside shooter that teams leave and he hits the open shot? I think he's going to be a pick and pop guy. He's a good screen setter. He understands angles on setting screens for his ballhandler. He knows how to get away from the play to give them open room for a shot. That's his bread and butter. 17 to 18 foot jumpers. That's what ball screens are going to get for a guy like that. We tell our point guards to trust him as a shooter. I think you'll see him doing a lot of pick and pop. [He's different than] Travis, who is a guy that's good off the ball. I'm not sure he's that kind of guy. He needs to go hit somebody before he get his shot. That's just his nature. He has a really good feel for the game. Understands where to get his shots. Has a couple of sweet spots on the floor, the elbow area and the baseline is where he really feels comfortable shooting the ball.Q: I was impressed with his confidence shooting the ball right out of the gate in game 1. No nerves at all. He's never going to turn down open shots. He knows that offensively that's how he can impact the game. So if he gets a clean look he's going to take it. You saw last night he's not shy. If he's got a look he's going to shoot it. That's what you want from him. He's a guy who can string a bunch of shots together. A rookie is often really fragile with their psyche with the ball. They miss a couple of shots and you can see their confidence drop and that's where with Dante you want to see him not think about it. If you've got a clean look shoot it. If you miss four in a row, shoot the fifth one. You've got to have that mindset. It's hard for a young player to keep. Here at Summer League it's one thing but when you get to our league continuing to pull the trigger can be hard for some guys. Hopefully he'll have the confidence level to shoot the ball because he can make shots at our level. If you put him with guards that can get him shots, he will hit shots.Q: He's kind of stuck in the 3/4 tweener. Who do you think gives him more trouble: 3s or 4s? He'll have more difficulty right now with 3s. I think his quickness is decent and he's smart enough and good enough to take away one thing [from a quality small forward]. But if you put him on a guy like Kevin Durant or Carmelo, guys that can go both inside and outside, that's where he might struggle. He doesn't have great length. Kevin Durant might be able to shoot it over him. He's going to have to try to use his body to get up into those guys. He's versatile enough that once he figures things out he'll be able to guard both positions. Big, physical 4s he might have trouble with but he's very strong. His legs, his hands, his core. Yesterday, he took the ball in and went up in the air and Dorsey came and hit him in the air and he didn't even move in the air. He has a core strength. His strength right now is his ability to guard a couple different spots. He plays every play until the play is finished. He doesn't give up on rebounds or loose balls. Playing at Villanova that's how they are. They build this junkyard dog mentality with all their guys. Jay Wright is a big time coach. He gets college guys to play that way and that's how Dante plays.Q: Where would you rank his nose for the ball on the offensive glass compared to the rest of the guys on the Blazers roster right now? Towards the higher end. His IQ -- it's a great way to evaluate guy, "how does he read the ball off the glass?" Dante may not get a bunch of offensive rebounds but he will get his hands on balls, he will tip it to an area where he can go get it or his team can go get it. That's where he will give you extra possessions. He will force you to box him out every time. For a lot of guys guarding him, that's a pain in the ***. He will crash the boards from the 15 to 17 foot area and see the ball in the air. With his quickness, that's a really hard guy to box out. He knows that. He played in that area at Villanova and he's used to attacking the glass. We don't have a guy like that necessarily on our team that's an away from the basket offensive rebounder. Joel is good at getting position, holding it and getting his hand on the ball. LaMarcus is a more physically talented rebounder with his length and ability to get off the floor but I think Dante's basketball IQ for rebounding is right up there with the rest of the guys on our team. Towards the top or at the top.Q: He was kind of coming in looking at being right around the 12th man. Is he still in that same slot? Yeah. As it is now, Travis is playing a lot of your back up 4, some of your back up 3. Dante's going to have to come in and learn Nate's system. He's going to have to gain the respect of our guys on the team, gain the trust of them. It's going to be hard for anybody to do that -- to come in and get minutes on our team. He's just go to be ready to go because it's part of an NBA season -- guys get hurt, maybe a guy isn't playing well and he gets an opportunity. He's just got to be ready for that. The roster as it is today it's going to be tough for him to come in and get a lot of minutes. There might be some situations where Travis plays a straight 3 and Dante or Jeff comes in and plays some four. But then with Martell coming back there's really not a lot of minutes unless someone gets hurt or there's a trade. 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Джефф ПендерграфQ: With Jeff, the thing that stood out yesterday is that he's a little mechanical but he attacks the rim when he has the ball, there's no second thoughts. I think people got on Channing for thinking too much; Jeff doesn't seem like he has that problem. Jeff is mechanical, robotic. Those are the words everyone says when they see him. He does play that way. He's a very programmed player. Part of that is his coaching -- Herb Sendek is a very old school, fundamentals, on balance, taking care of the ball, taking good shots, that's the way he's been taught, that's the way he still plays. And that's a good thing. He doesn't take a lot of risks when he's got the ball in his hands, he takes open shots when he should take them, he doesn't try to put it on the deck, he sets good screens, he's going to make the right pass. He's never going to be a guy that you throw it to on the block and he gives you a lot of offense. I think he's done a good job here of accepting the role of being the antagonizer on the floor. Not backing down from guys, our team needs a little more of that. We need some guys to go out there and do the dirty stuff. I don't think Jeff judges how he plays by how many points or rebounds he gets, he judges it like, "tell me one thing you want me to do and I'll do it." He doesn't care if he doesn't touch the ball, he is happy to set screens. He needs to get better rebounding the ball on both ends. At Arizona State he played only in zones and he was given an area to rebound and don't worry anything else other than that. For him he's got to go get stuff out of his area. He's got to go track down balls he's not used to trying to go after. I thought he did a great job yesterday of battling Joey Dorsey. That's a strong dude.Q: He was laughing about it too. Jeff's one of those guys who either didn't realize who he was messing with or he's a legitimately tough guy. [laughs] He's just so happy to be a part of our team right now. He would run through a wall for Nate. Whatever we ask him to do he would be glad to do.Q: Did he get the short end of the stick in Summer League because he's playing 5 instead of playing the 4? I think he's going to have to play 5 on our level. I think there's some 4s that are going to be really hard matchups for him. Guys who can take him away from the basket will be a hard matchup for him. His lateral quickness guarding the ball is not a strength of his right now. You couldn't see that last night because he could just lean on Joey Dorsey, he does a good job getting low with a strong base. You take him away from the basket and the quick moves are hard for him. He's a guy that will have to play a lot of five for us. There are going to be some fives that are too big for him to guard. All the backups and third string 5s in our league -- he will be fine against those guys. He's not capable of guarding Dwight Howard or Yao Ming or someone like that. He's going to be a really good guy off our bench. He has a great attitude, he's constantly showing positive energy and that's a value for us. Teams in our league, good teams in our league have benches in our league that are into the game. I thought at times last year we didn't have that. We need that. Especially on the road, you need to see your bench over there when you're on the floor. I think Jeff has an amazing personality, he'll be ready to play when he gets the opportunity.Q: He seems like the biggest personality on the team. He is. He's a loose guy, a very intelligent guy, he has a lot of interests outside basketball, very well-spoken, understands how lucky he is. Understands the opportunity he has in front of him. He's going to do everything he can to take full advantage of it.Q: When he was coming up was he a highly regarded prospect? Was he off the radar? His freshman year, if you think he's robotic now, he was really robotic then. He's filled out physically over the course of his four year career. He came in without an identity as a player at ASU and then really got great coaching and figured out what role was for him. Then he got a chance to play with a great guard in James Harden. James got him a lot of easy opportunities offensively. He's going to need that if he wants to score on our level he's going to need to have guards that can get his offense for him. Hopefully he'll have some guys on our team who can help him out like that. At least he's a guy when defending him, you've got to honor him because he can shoot it.. Guys like Joey Dorsey, for example, can't shoot it, so guys don't have to guard him. With Jeff, you've got to at least respect his shot and that creates opportunities for other guys because his man can't protect the basket or clog the lane. He's progressed a lot in four years.Do you think his perspective on his role on an NBA roster was shaped by the fact that he really had to work hard for what he has right now? The fact that he wasn't as highly regarded, the fact that he was off the radar. He wants to help us win. That's what he wants to do. It's not about him. It's not about anything other than "how can I help the team?" He has that mentality of "give me an opportunity." In college, he was about doing everything to win. He was on ASU's recruiting team. He was about winning, never about the stats. If you're a 4 year guy sometimes you have trouble playing with talented underclassmen like James Harden, who's getting all these accolades. That can be hard for seniors. Jeff was all about the team, he didn't care if it was some freshman or sophomore getting all the credit, it didn't bother him one bit. I like the way you put it -- he's coming into the league with that mindset. That's what's going to help him understand that if he's not playing for a 10 game stretch but he's helping the team in practice or on the bench, that's still important. He just wants to be a part of it. 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 По Бейлессу еще пока материал не опубликован, ждем.... А по этим двум ребятам, могу сказать, что они мне нравятся.. Надеюсь они получат место в ростере. 0 Цитата
SINATRA Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 17 июля, 2009 Не разумно, по-моему. Менять талантливого игрока на уже не молодого довольно среднего игрока (не набрасывайтесь только. просвет у Хайнриха был.. да сплыл), который давно не прогрессирует. Вернется ли Кирк на былой уровень? Не уверен.Обменять игрока, не попадающего в ротацию, на стартера, это уже хорошо.Так одно испанское чудо уже обменяли. Времени у Джерида будет больше, чем год назад.В добавок, пока Блейк был травмирован Бейлес играл не так и мало. И даже неплохо.Вот только прогресс должен быть. Если сможет сносно разводить и эффективно проходить в краску, то тогда Бейлес может расчитывать минут на 20-25 выходя с бенча.А вот в пару к Рою он пока не вписывается. Бросок улучшать нужно.. 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 20 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 20 июля, 2009 Q: Jerryd kind of struggled Wednesday night. Is he thinking too much right now?I think that's definitely a part of it for him. He wants to be what we want him to be. That's hard for a guy because Jerryd's always been an attacker. He wants to go at you. He thrives on the challenge of going at guys. From a point guard, playing that position, that's good at times but when you get against good players and good coaches who prepare for you, you've got to figure out how to run a team, get the team into rhythm and into a flow, and he's still finding that balance. I think for Jerryd this is the first time in his life that he's had to deal with not being able to do everything he wanted to do. He's such a confident, not stubborn, but confident kid who believes he can do anything.Q: Very self-assured.Yeah, that's a good thing.Q: Especially as a point guard. Yeah. He's still finding a balance of being an attacker but also getting a flow going for our team on the floor and that's the point guard's responsibility. Unless you have a big point forward out there who can do that for you. As a point guard, you've got to make sure your team is in some sort of rhythm. I didn't think we had that necessarily as much when he was on the floor last night. And I think Jerryd would be the first guy to tell you that.Q: He says he doesn't but do you think he listens to the criticism too much? He's such a polarizing figure on the radio and on the internet... do you think that gets to him? I don't think it does. I think he thrives on a challenge. I think he knows people question whether he's going to be a point guard. Without people telling him that, he already knows that in his game. But I don't think it impacts his mindset. Jerryd is a very competitive kid. What people say about him doesn't really have an impact on what he's feeling. He's kind of like Jeff [Pendergraph], he wants to be a part of the team. He wants to help us win. That's important to him and he's trying really, really hard right now to be what we need him to be. We need him to be a guy that can run our team. Whether he's coming off the bench or like last year when Blake gets hurt, he gets an opportunity to play a lot of minutes. He wants it, it just takes time. It's the hardest position to learn. Especially when your whole career you've been able to do whatever you wanted and now you can't just attack the basket every possession. He's trying to find that balance. He's trying, man, he's trying. He has a great attitude about it. He's going to have some growing pains still but I think you're going to see some great things out of him. It may be a year or two years still until you feel like he grasps everything he needs to grasp.Q: If there's improvement I've seen, he seems to hit the open shooter off the dribble better than he did last year but he still struggles a little bit finding a guy on the run.Yeah. I think one thing he needs to improve on -- he can go get into the lane whenever he wants, it's finding that balance of getting in the lane, it's not always about seeing the rim, it's about kicking it to Martell or kicking it to Blake or Rudy or whoeover for an open shot. Seeing everything around you rather than just seeing what's right in front of you. Guys that can get into the lane in our league -- that's a big time skill and Jerryd's got it. It's getting better. That's a hard thing for a guy to change. It's like a habit. Changing a habit is something that's got to be done over and over and over. I think we're seeing progress a little bit at a time with that. I can say this: nobody wants it more than he does. I know we as our staff, Nate and the coaches, fans want it now. I guarantee you nobody wants it more now than Jerryd Bayless.Q:Two years ago coming into camp it was Jarrett Jack versus Steve Blake for that point guard spot. Jack took it and then gave it back. Do you think this year it's going to be like that or is Blake still enough of a cut above where Jerryd is entering camp with the idea that he's just looking to increase his minutes in a backup role? I think Jerryd's mentality is he wants to come in and play. I don't think whether he starts or comes off the bench or whatever, I don't think that's really important to him. He just wants to play. Steve is such a steady influence on the floor and we've got a comfort level with him, he has a comfort level with Nate and our coaches, he plays well off of Brandon. Jerryd for us his value would be coming off the bench and being a spark for us. Steve and him are such different point guards, different players. For Jerryd it's a matter of finding which lineup meshes well to maximize his talents -- Nate and our coaching staff are trying to figure that out. We look to find guys that can play with Brandon because that's what's going to help us win the most games. Because late in games he has the ball in his hands a lot and finding the guys that can play off him is really valuable for us. That will be something long-term that Jerryd is going to have to figure out at some point. 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 20 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 20 июля, 2009 Бла-бла-бла.. чушь все это... В очередной раз выпускник Портлендовского Университета Пух Джетер сыграл куда лучше нашей многообещающей звездочки... в матче со шпорами... The bad -- if not ugly -- news, once again: 7 turnovers in 27 minutes. Asked for his thoughts on his continued trouble protecting the basketball, Bayless stated, "The turnovers are coming from me trying to get other people involved... people are dropping the ball. During the regular season that doesn't happen... I had a couple of carries but a lot of them -- not saying nothing negative -- but a couple of guys dropped some passes. When it's Brandon, Travis, Rudy, Nic out on the wings, they're not dropping it." Ну да.. проще свернуть на других, конечно... 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 21 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 21 июля, 2009 Притчард сказал, что с новичками Каннингемом и Пендерграфом до начала сезона будут подписаны контракты и что они получат места в ростере. Пу(х) Джетер также произвел впечатление и получил приглашение поучаствовать в тренировочном лагере команды... 0 Цитата
Trail_Blazer Опубликовано 22 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 22 июля, 2009 Снова поползли слухи про Андре Миллера. Оказывается на прошлой неделе с ним встречался представитель клуба. Пор и Никс вроде остались главными претендентами. Неужто Кирк таки в пролете? 0 Цитата
k04a Опубликовано 23 июля, 2009 Опубликовано 23 июля, 2009 Да ну бред... (((( Не нужен нам Миллер... Уж лучше оставить 7.7 млн до дедлайна... пригодятся... Чем потратить их на Миллера... Кирк-Кирк.. Не прощу КП, если была возможность его получить и он этого не сделал 0 Цитата
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